We’ve worked with the Welsh Government since 2005, promoting Wales as a destination brand, across business, leisure and tourism.
- The Welsh have a special sense of pride and togetherness that many nationalities just don’t have, nor understand. Some call it ‘hwyl’, which loosely translates as a stirring feeling of emotional energy. We needed to tap into this unique spirit to build a compelling nation brand for Wales
- Original Thinking
- Wales has a long history of challenging convention, upending received wisdom and coming up with original thoughts of its own
- The brand idea, ‘Original Thinking’, captures the uniqueness of the Welsh psyche, setting Wales up as a challenger brand
- Originality was the order of the day, particularly with the verbal identity
- The tone of voice is distinctive, engaging and delivered with a refreshingly wry sense of humour
- Comprehensive brand guidelines inspired the development and roll-out of a coherent brand for Wales
- A series of award-winning campaigns across business, tourism and major events